Jovida Ross

Jovida Ross

I bring over 20 years of experience designing and facilitating generative processes for collective change. My work history spans efforts to generate community-based solutions to violence, queer liberation, reproductive justice, ecologically-responsive and just economies, and climate resilience; the through-line is a deep belief that together, with commitment and intention, we can reorganize our world to support our mutual thriving. I am passionate about food, land, and culture as central elements of reciprocity and collective liberation. I am also a registered yoga teacher with a deep practice of embodiment and trauma stewardship.

My core competencies include organizational development and change management, cultural capacity, leadership and talent development, design & facilitation of network convenings, training and curriculum design. I have a proven track record of developing high-performing teams, stimulating innovation, clarifying purpose and contribution towards change, and catalyzing strategic action. My strengths as a people alchemist, catalyst, connector & creator shine through a practice of deep listening, my ability to acknowledge hard truths, and my commitment to liberatory power.

Many teachers and communities of practice have supported my learning around embodiment practices, trauma stewardship and healing, how personal and collective transformation are linked, and supremacist vs liberatory cultures. I am particularly grateful for the guidance and mentorship of Kawelokū Norma Wong.

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