Winter 2021 - Digital Issue
We Thrive Health for Justice, Justice for Health
Winter 2021: Volume 28, Issue 4
Psychedelic and Plant Medicines: A Portal to Transformative Realms of Possibility
“If anything has the potential to alter the grievous state of mental health and wellbeing and move us toward ‘visionary, transformative and liberatory realms of possibility,’ it is the psychedelic renaissance we are on the cusp of today.”
by Kasey Crown
The Power of Self-Care: A Bridge to Communal Care
“Psychologists, therapists, social workers, and doctors across the medical spectrum agree that we are in the middle of a genuine national mental health crisis. A time like this can serve as an impetus for reclaiming self-care as a movement, which could have a profound and lasting impact on this country and the world."
by Shelly Tygielski
Dimensions of Thriving: Learning from Black LGBTQ+/SGL Moments, Spaces, and Practices
“We’re putting most of our energy into making people ‘fit’ into systems and institutions that are fundamentally flawed—violent, even—and, in the process, reinforcing the belief that these sociopolitical structures are natural. They are not.”
by Dr. Kia Darling-Hammond
Healing-Centered Leadership: A Path to Transformation
“Our goal, as leaders who have dedicated our lives to improving our society, is to move boldly into a new world, leaving the trauma from the old world behind. But to do this, we will need new tools—new ways of thinking and relating to one another that heal us all.”
by Shawn A. Ginwright
The Psychology of Place and the Critical Role It Plays in Individual and Community Health
“The economic and social dismemberment of African-American communities stole their wealth, their power, and their capacity to engage in problem solving. . . . The vulnerability of the individual stripped of the protection of a known and loved place is greatly increased. The experiences of trauma, grief, and anger, as well as the stress of losing one’s embedding community, have effects on the individual. These can lead to psychiatric illness, the use of drugs and other addictions, eating and autoimmune disorders, and infectious diseases.”
by Dr. Mindy Thompson Fullilove
System Shock: Nonlocal Grassroots Response to COVID-19 at Ground Zero, Wuhan
“On January 23, 2020, two days before the Chinese New Year of the Rat . . . the central government of China announced the lockdown of Wuhan—the capital of Hubei Province, a city with over eleven million people—due to the outbreak of COVID-19. It was an unprecedented crisis that neither the government nor the society had ever encountered.”
by Yuan (Daniel) Cheng, Xiaoyun Wang, and Xueshan Zhang
Healthcare as a Public Service: Redesigning U.S. Healthcare with Health and Equity at the Center
“The U.S. healthcare system needs major surgery before it can heal. The malignancy of profit seeking must be cut out, so that life-giving resources may flow where they are most needed. Only then can the dream of healthcare as a human right be truly realized.”
by Dana Brown
Person First, Disability Second: The Road to Full Inclusion
“Disability is a core justice issue, but people with disabilities are often an afterthought where social justice is concerned. Unless you have a disability or a relationship with a person who has a disability, the barriers to full inclusion may not be immediately visible; but inherent bias and a lack of engagement of people with disabilities have led to separate, segregated service models that continue to isolate people with disabilities from the community and their typical peers.”
by Nicole Zerillo
Healing a Sick System: From Big Pharma to Our Pharma
“Imagine a world in which insulin and PrEP—the revolutionary one-a-day preventative HIV pill— were available to all who needed them at prices they could easily afford. Imagine that the effective Lyme disease vaccine once available was still on the market, and that new drugs consistently provided new clinical benefits, not just new prices. . . . That world is eminently possible.”
by Dana Brown
First Aides: Indigenous Stories to Reclaim and Reframe Our Highest Health to Each Other and Mother Earth
“Here is a first story of how deeply connected we are to Mother Earth as a human family, and how we can reframe the dysfunction happening among all of us right now.”
by Solana Rose Booth
We Keep Each Other Safe