Nonprofit Communications: Managing the Message in a 21st Century Environment
Nonprofit Communications: Managing the Message in a 21st Century Environment

Nonprofit Communications: Managing the Message in a 21st Century Environment

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Does everyone understand your organization’s mission and needs? This 71-page digital collection of writings from 13 Experts discuss the theory & practice of modern nonprofit communications.

What’s Changed (or Should Have Changed) about Nonprofit Communications Practices?

Twenty-First-Century Communications versus the Illusion of Control: An Epic Battle by Ruth McCambridge

Two Eras of Civic Information and the Evolving Relationship between Civil Society Organizations and Young Citizens by Chris Wells

New Perspectives on Nonprofit “Brand”

Your Promise is Your Brand: How to Work It by Carlo Cuesta and Padraic Lillis

Our Boards in Our Brands: An Aspiration by Jeanne Bell

Two Masters of Communication Discuss the Branding (or Not) of the Nonprofit Sector by the editors

Communications and Organizational Crisis

Mission, Message, and Damage Control by Kim Klein

Donor Communications

Donor Retention: What Do We Know and What Can We Do About It? by Adrian Sargeant

Attention Philanthropy: The Good, the Bad, and the Strategy by Chao Guo and Gregory D. Saxton

The Dance of the Four Veils by Tom Ahern

How to Advance an Issue through Communications

Disrupting the Dominant Frame: An Interview with Susan Nall Bales of the FrameWorks Institute, 2015 MACEI Award Winner by Ruth McCambridge

Reframing Issues in the Digital Age: Using Social Media Strategically by Julie Sweetland and Rob Shore

Disruptive Hybridity: The New Generation of Political Advocacy Groups by David Karpf

The Explanation Gap: How Democracy Depends on Nonprofit Organizations by Joseph Grady and Axel Aubrun