SPECIAL SECTION How to Think Differently about Leadership Transition (Spring 2017)
Reflections on Executive Leadership and Transition Data over Fifteen Years
This take-no-prisoners article examines more than fifteen years of stagnant data on nonprofit executive transitions and the lack of progress on such things as the development of shared leadership, young leadership, and leadership diversity. by Jeanne Bell, Paola Cubías, and Byron Johnson
Blending Succession Planning and Executive Transition: A Successful Case
This case reflecting a new practice model discusses in a vibrant and resonant way how one community-based nonprofit blended business, strategic, and succession planning to support an executive transition. by Tom Adams
Five Insights from Directors Sharing Power
Can sharing executive leadership really work in nonprofits? What issues does it answer? And how do you approach the possibility? This article takes up these questions through interviews with leaders of five progressive community organizations with shared leadership models, and the resulting observations and advice speak directly to organizational relevance and sustainability. by Jeanne Bell, Paola Cubías, and Byron Johnson