Fall 2022 - Digital Issue

Fall 2022 - Digital Issue

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The Face of Climate Change 
Indigenous Teachings for our Future

Fall 2022: Volume 29, Issue 3

  • Welcome

  • Cycles

    “Indigenous stories are fundamental to the cycles of climate and environment, and to our human ability to adapt and prepare for the most trying parts of these cycles. When we listen to Indigenous stories, we begin to recognize the beginnings of damaging behaviors that have led us into extractive processes.”

    by A-dae Romero-Briones

  • The Pendulum of Climate: A Hopi Story

    “Because of our long, sustained history in a singular location, the shared transgenerational memory of the Hopi farmer and seed saver brings a unique lens to both climate and societal change. Unlike Western culture, which sees things more clinically and from a one-dimensional trajectory of social change, Indigenous cultures look at the world multidimensionally, inclusive of the spiritual perspective.”

    by Monica Nuvamsa

  • Fire and the Coast Salish Three Sisters

    “There is a persistent romantic myth that Indigenous Americans lived off the land without having to do any management. It is reductive to imply that traditional peoples simply picked berries off bushes and starved our way through
    existence, without any management or enhancement of the environment to which we are so deeply connected. Coast Salish tribes have lived on the San Juan Islands for thousands of years, learning hard lessons of how to live with the land.”

    by Samuel Barr

  • Rethinking Food Culture Might Save Us

    “Imagine a future where the ways we grow, cook, and gather around food affirm our relationships to the places we live, to the people who came before us, and to future generations. Imagine a future where we recognize care as the essence of all labor and appreciate all people’s labor, no matter the form it takes. Imagine that we joyfully nourish each other, that we all know we belong, and that we recognize land as kin. What images come to mind? What longing is sparked in us?”

    by Jovida Ross, Shizue Roche Adachi, and Julie Quiroz

  • Fisheries and Stewardship: Lessons from Native Hawaiian Aquaculture

    “Hawai‘i is home to some of the first known aquaculture practices in the Pacific. Loko i‘a (fishponds) are an advanced, extensive form of aquaculture found nowhere else in the world. While techniques of herding or trapping adult fish in shallow tidal areas, in estuaries, and along their inland migration can be found around the globe, Hawaiians developed loko i‘a that are technologically unique.”

    by Brenda Asuncion, Miwa Tamanaha, Kevin K. J. Chang, and Kim Moa

  • What Does Tribal Land Stewardship Look Like?

    “To understand Native land stewardship, it is important to recognize that it occurs within a context of repairing the ravages of colonialism. A new report, Models of Holistic Tribal Land Stewardship in the Northern Great Plains, examines these themes as it highlights efforts by four Native nations in Montana and South Dakota to restore stewardship principles to land management.”

    by Steve Dubb

  • A Planet to Win — Where Do We Start?

    “The problem of where—or rather, how—to begin with climate change mitigation is essentially the focus of the most recent report in April from the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which states plainly that humanity’s ability to reverse and reduce the effects of climate change depends almost entirely upon the political willpower of governments to implement coordinated and large-scale interventional strategies. Yet social transformation on this scale has not historically happened without concerted struggle by ordinary people demanding what they need to survive.”

    by Rithika Ramamurthy

    Metzli with Scarecrow