Strategic Management and Leadership: A Special Reader
Strategic Management and Leadership: A Special Reader

Strategic Management and Leadership: A Special Reader

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A Special Reader with a collection of articles that promote Nonprofit management, advise against the death of a nonprofit, and insights on performances, missions, governance, and more.

Who “owns” your nonprofit? by J. Millesen

Exploring the puzzle of board design: What's your type? by D. O. Renz

Reframing governance. by D. O. Renz

The importance of linking leadership succession, strategy, and governance. by T. Gilmore

Codifying governance lessons learned the hard way: Sweet Briar College’s new by-laws. by R. McCambridge

Mission haiku: The poetry of mission statements. by C. Finney

Values in your organization and what they have to do with raising money. by S. Joyaux

Marrying mission with strategic planning & evaluation. by K. Topakian

The matrix map: A powerful tool for mission-focused nonprofits. by S. Zimmerman and J. Bell 

Measuring fundraising performance vs. fundraiser performance. by S. Joyaux

Beyond financial oversight: Expanding the board’s role in the pursuit of sustainability. by J. Bell

Models and components of a great nonprofit dashboard. by H.H. Polanco and S. Walker 

10 ways to kill your nonprofit. by M. Hager and E. Searing 

Mini Case Studies from “Births and Deaths in the Nonprofit Sector.”

Government and nonprofits: Turning points, challenges, and opportunities. by S.R. Smith

Battlefield history and status: First Amendment tensions between nonprofits and governments. by J. Pratt

The rising of the states in nonprofit oversight. by L.H. Mayer

Nonprofit health co-ops: Designed to compete for the public good. by R. Cohen

Competitive positioning: Why knowing your competition is essential to social impact success. by P. Frumkin and S. Sosa 

Are we “Walmartizing” the social sector? by M. Lombardo

Attention philanthropy: The good, the bad, and the strategy. by C. Guo & G.D. Saxton